Patriarchy, Gender Equality, Interpretation, Classical, ContemporaryAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to determine patriarchy and gender equality in classical and contemporary interpretations. This research is a library research. Primary data is obtained from classical and contemporary interpretations. The data collection technique used is the documentation technique. Furthermore, the collected data is grouped and arranged systematically, and analyzed critically using deductive and inductive methods. So that the results of this study can produce accurate and accountable conclusions. The results of the study indicate that patriarchy is a term that places men above women both in the family and society. While gender equality is a view that equates men and women to obtain opportunities and rights and obligations as human beings. The concept of gender emphasizes more on the aspects of masculinity or femininity of a person. There are several verses of the Quran concerning the equality of "men" and "women", namely QS An Nisa: 124, An Nahl verse 97, and Al-Hujurat verse 13. Several classical scholars of interpretation such as Ibn Kathir, Asy Syaukani, and At Tabari interpret the Quran Surah Ali Imran 14 as a warning to men not to be fooled by the charm of women. Men are considered as subjects and women as objects. However, Contemporary Scholars of Interpretation have paid attention to gender equality such as Quraish Shihab, Muhammad Syahrur, and Faqihudin Abdul Qodir.
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